Arung Palakka,

About ArungPalakka, Son of the Best Land Bugis
ArungPalakka (born in lamatta, mario Wawo-ri, soppeng, 15 September 1634 bontoala died on 6 April 1696 at the age of 61 years) was the sultan of bone from the year 1972-1696. While still a prince, he led his kingdom in achieving the independence of the sultanate of Gowa in 1660's. He worked with the Dutch in seizing the city of Makassar.

Palakka carry spare bugis become major maritime power and dominate the region for nearly a century. Whitewater Palakka titled "La Tan-ri tatta To urong To-ri SompaE Petta MalampE'E Gemme'na Daeng Serang To 'Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'admuddin, [MatinroE-ri Bontoawala], Whitewater Bone.


Born in lamatta, Mario ri Wawo, Soppeng, Date 15 September 1634, son of Lapottobunna, Whitewater Land Tengnga with his wife, We Tan-ri Suwi, Datu Mario Wawo-ri, the son of La-ri tan sri sultan Paduka Ruwa adam, arumpone bone. ArungPalakka died in bontoala, the kingdom of Gowa (now Gowa district) on 6 April 1969 in buried in bontobiraeng.


Married first-Whitewater Kaju (divorced)

-Married a second time with sira Daeng Talele Karaeng ballajawa on 16 March 1668 (bercarai on 26 January 1671), (born on 10 September 1634, died 11 February 1721), previously the wife of Karaeng bontomaronu, and Karaeng karunrung 'Abdul Hamid, a former louse-Butta talking Gowa, daughter of I-Daeng MALLEWAI Karaeng mataoya Manasa, Karaeng cendrana and sometimes as Tumalailng Gowa, by his wife, Daeng mangeppe, son of I-Daeng mallingkaang mannyon-ri Karaeng matoaya awwal sultan abdullah al-Islam, Karaeng Tallo.

-Married third time in soppeng, 20 July 1673 with tan We pau-ri ri Adda Sange datu watu [matinroe_ri madello] datu soppeng, formerly wife of la Sunni, adatuwang sidendreng, and daughter of La-ri tan bali beowe II, datu ri soppeng.

Married to a four-time on 14 September 1684, with Daeng Marannu, Karaeng laikang (died on 6 May 1720), formerly the wife of Karaeng bontomanopo muhammad, and the son of Daeng mangempa pekampi Karaeng bontomanonu, Gowa.


Replace his mother as a datu Mario_ri Wawo to 15. Arungpalakka earned as a gift to free his people from colonialism makassarese. Recognized by the Dutch as arungpattiru, palette, and palakka in bone and dautu mario-ri Wawo in soppeng, Bantaeng, and bontoala, 1670.